A Tradition Since 1986

It All began in 1986…

Texas was celebrating her sesquicentennial and a group of Alamo enthusiasts were uniting under the leadership of Bill Chemerka. This unincorporated but highly organized group came to be called The Alamo Society, celebrating the Alamo in popular culture and history. Annual get-togethers became tradition, as members came from across the country to meet in San Antonio to commemorate March 6.

In the decades that followed, that tradition of fellowship was maintained with few exceptions. Memories to last a lifetime were made at the Alamo. The organization grew steadily in numbers and reach. As we entered the digital age, our Facebook group brought members together, along with Alamo enthusiasts from all over the world.

In 2017, Bill retired his leadership role after thirty-one years and new leadership stepped in to bring new members into The Alamo Society. We began to publish The Alamo Dispatch, a full-color triannual online magazine dedicated to the Alamo and the Texas Revolution.

In 2022, winds of change ushered in something new: more focus on the history of the site, siege and battle. The Alamo Dispatch is now available in a print edition (available with most membership levels.)

The Alamo Historical Society

In 2022, we incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit. A board of directors was selected to adopt the policies that would govern the organization going forward. To demonstrate our passion for the history of the Alamo and its Defenders, a new name was chosen: Alamo Historical Society. We have members all over the United States and on many continents. And we’re still growing!